Finding Free D&D STL Files for 3D Printing (Plus Other Tabletop Minis)

The easiest way to find a free STL file to 3D print your specific D&D creature or character is to search one of the more popular 3D printing sites I have listed below. The other method to know about is using Google to search for a file by a specific creator.

If you find a creator you like, you can follow them, join their patreon, or search by their name. The best example for dnd stl files is mz4250 who has all the creatures in the D&D Monster manual available.

Using Google to search <Creature Name> mz4250 will bring you to the files quickly.

All you need to start is a 3D printer, material to print with, and the STL files.

Most Popular 3D Printing Site for Tabletop Games STL Files

These sites should be your starting point in searching for free dnd stl files. Or any tabletop games for that matter. Warhammer, Pathfinder, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and more, including generic fantasy, sci-fi and steampunk miniatures.

Understand there will be a lot of overlap on these platforms. Free and paid files will come up in each. Simply perform a search and filter for free files if you’re looking for only free.

Thingiverse: Sometimes hard to find what you want, but has plenty of dnd stl files.

Shapeways: Great option to check for files

MyMiniFactory: Free and paid files, great options for dnd stl files but not always free. This is the best site to find good creators.

The Mini Index: This is a 3D printing mini search engine that you can use to sear for dnd stl files or really anything else you’re looking for.

Yeggi: I don’t use this as much anymore but another stl file search engine to check out if you’re not finding what you want.

Google Search DnD stl files by Creators, Brands or Patreons

If you don’t find exactly what you want on the above sites, you can try google searches. This works well after you’ve found some creators you enjoy. For dnd stl files in particular, let’s start with mz4250:

As I mentioned above he has stl files for everything in the D&D Monster Manual. I’ll link the imgur where he has them all listed but it’s much easier to do a google search by his name.

For example searching: “red slad mz4250” brings you here:

This Imgur has all MM in stl files:

His Patreon is here:

Once you start searching around, it’s worth taking note of creators you like. In the next section I’m going to talk about some of the bigger Patreon creators out there.

These wont necessarily be free or official DnD stl files, but you’ll find tons of dragons, orcs, and fantasy characters. You’ll sometimes see free files or great deals as promotions, so worth a follow at least.

Patreons, Hero Forge, Kickstarters and subscriptions for DnD/Tabletop Game STL files

Patreon is a major source of stl files. There are many creators that put out new files regularly. Often in bigger releases but they typically have monthly new models.

Hero Forge is a popular miniature cutomization site that will either print the miniatures for you or let you download the stl files for a fee. Note Hero Forge is primarily for characters rather than monsters.

Kickstarter is a platform that crowdfunds backing for various projects. There are a lot of tabletop games and miniatures being made that are looking for backers. You can often get files for as little as a dollar or two.

I’m going to list out four Patreons below and also give you an example of a kickstarter. For kickstarters, they are less predictable so you’d have to search through and find what you like. Once you found some examples, just follow that creator to see when they release something new.

Five Patreons to Consider For Your DnD stl files.

If you play dungeons and dragons or any fantasy type tabletop games, these four are worth checking out to find miniatures. These are fee based subscriptions, but often excellent value and creators sometimes give free stls out as promotions.

Monstrous Encounters has a ton of content, ranging all throughout the genres of miniatures. Sci Fi, Old West, Star Wars, Warhammer, DnD, Pathfinder and more.

MZ4250 was mentioned above but worth repeating for those of you who just scanned the article to find good Patreons 🙂 Again he has the entire Monster Manual of DnD stl files available.

Mia Kay is another prolific dnd artist that has quite a large amount of files available. Anything from NPCs and townsfolk, to characters, creatures and more.

Artisan Guild is a prolific creator and one of my favorites. They have a lot of content available and I love their style.

Titan-Forge Miniatures is similar to Artisan Guild in that they have a lot of content and a great style. Some great options here.

Four Kickstarter Examples for Fantasy Tabletop Game Miniatures

Kickstarters by their nature are projects that are in progress. So often you’ll have to wait for them to complete before you get anything. That said there are a lot of cool examples so I wanted to include some here.

Beasts & Baddies: Simple, fun and easy to print. Awesome sets to start with.

Lost Adventures: I believe these are still available? I got them years ago. Also a free Owlbear in there but I think you can easily find that on Thingiverse and other sites.

Cerberus Studios: I really like the style here. The minis are painted by Angel Giraldez. They have some cool dice trays as well.

Dragons Of Destiny: I am a sucker for Tiamat type multi-headed Dragons. So yeah I picked this example 🙂

3D Files With and Without Supports

If you love playing dungeons and dragons, but are new to 3d printing, I wanted to cover some basics here. Starting with supports. What are they and why should you care.

3d Printing supports are resin or fdm plastic structures that give the print stability as it is being formed. They are thin strands that connect overhanging pieces to the base until the print is completed. Once the print is finished, the supports are designed to be easily removed.

The supports are coded into the STL files or added later by the slicing program you are using.

Supportless stl files refers to files that are designed to not need any supports. This limits what the artist can do in terms of design. The benefit is faster prints, no need to remove supports, less resin or FDM material used, and a higher chance of a successful print.

You can specify in your searches if you’re looking specifically for supportless 3d print options.

Dungeons and Dragons 3D Print Files: Characters

When it comes to characters and free files, I think your best bet is to search by basic features you’re looking for. So if it’s something to play dungeons and dragons, you might search for Male Human Fighter. Or Female Dwarven Rogue.

If you’re the DM and looking to get more common characters, you might search for a good Patreon that has a large library. Join up for a month or so and download what you need for your collection and any specific campaigns.

There are also pre-printed options like this Lost Mines of Phandelver set on etsy.

If you’re going to play dungeons and dragons and want to create your own specific character, my go to is Hero Forge. It’s very customizable and I’m ok with spending a bit if it’s a character I will use for a full campaign.

You can either have them make it or download the stl for your own 3d print. The advantage there is you can print multiple copies, and scale it as needed. Speaking of scale…

What Scale Should I Use For My Tabletop Games?

I cover miniature scale in depth here, but the summary is shoot for around 30-32mm scale. Meaning 6 foot tall figures would measure around 32mm as a miniature.

Of course you can come to your own decision, but the 28-32mm range will put you in a good position to mix and match figures from other sets. Wizkids, Reaper, Warhammer and tons of other models are in the 30-32mm scale range.

Many times they’ll be listed as 28mm but in reality they skew a bit bigger, so I recommend scaling a single miniature to around that size. Any terrain you 3D print also falls into this range.

D&D stl Files Search Tips

There are a lot of choices for 3d printing dnd stl files. What you will find is that the choices come down to personal preference in terms of art style and cost. If you are looking for only free files, you may need to settle for “good enough”

For more unique monsters and characters the options might be limited. Remember you can always use proxies. Meaning if you’re playing dungeons and dragons, and looking for a free Ettin stl file, but can’t find one. Maybe try a normal giant. Or a scaled up orc. Print another head and glue it on.

Or if you need a Valkyrie, try searching an Amazonian or a female paladin, or an Angel.

When searching for stl files, it’s often helpful to have references. You can look at other miniature brands like Games Workshop, and search for stl’s of the models they sell.

For example I love the Ynrasta model and I have her painted. If I didn’t I might search for Yndrasta stl file. It might give you similar looks that you can 3d print.

The Stormcast Eternals are great proxies for Paladins, or guards, or any other armored fantasy types.

Scroll through GW’s Age of Sigmar line for other examples to use. You’ll find humanoids, demons, dragons, zombies, giants and more.

Another option is basic kitbashing. Kitbashing is the process of swaping out pieces of the miniature or model. So swapping out a head for another one you like better. Swapping out the characters weapon with something new.

If you’re searching for a Paladin with a giant axe, but they all come with swords, just swap it out. A good hobby knife, some glue, and you’re set.

Painting is another factor. You don’t have to paint an orc green. It can be a more purple flesh colored ogre with the right paint job.

Lastly remember you can scale 3D prints. Scale a 3D print up for a giant, scale it down for halflings. Often the proportions wont be just right, but with some searching you’ll find something that works.

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